Connecting with Content

In today’s world, your customers expect you to have an online presence - your competitors are there and you should be too! Marketing through content is an efficient and affordable way to build relationships and credibility with your audience. However, there are several key points to regard before developing a content strategy.
  • Consider the Options: Social Media, Website, Email?

    Choose your platforms based on your target audience. Where do they get their information now? This is where you want to be. If you have not already done so, you’ll need to determine your market using demographics such as gender, age, education and income. Social media statistics and trends are available online. Don't spread yourself too thin, focus your energy on reaching those most likely to use your products or services.
  • Be Consistent. Build Your Brand.

    Whether you’re communicating through a website, social media, blog posts, email campaigns, newsletters or annual reports, it’s important to maintain a consistent, clear message across all channels. The values you convey will lead to consumer confidence and loyalty, and in turn, will distinguish you from the competition.
  • Get Noticed!

    Keep your readers reading - grab them with a catchy headline. And then follow that headline with well-written material that is valuable to the reader.
    Text can be even more effective when accompanied by visuals. Graphics, photographs and videos are entertaining, personal ways to showcase your products or services, or promote special offers and events.
  • Make it Relevant.

    Don’t get caught up in meaningless emails or long-winded newsletters; it's more important to use the right words. We are all bombarded with information - so get to the point. 
    The majority of people check email daily, making it a beneficial marketing tool. If you want email subscribers to open your message, ensure the material is useful and relay that in your subject line. Furthermore, using keywords on your website will help it rise in the search engine results, increasing traffic to your site. 
  • Respond to Feedback, Fast.

    Promptly reply to inquires or comments you receive through your online channels. Not acknowledging a concern from a customer in a timely manner could lead to another type of "post"--a negative review. Just a few of these could severely damage the brand image you are working to build. Listening to feedback will help you learn and improve, and also offers an opportunity to grow customer relationships.
Producing and managing valuable, consistent content will result in long-term benefits for your organization. Let the words you use and the platforms you choose work hard for you!


Statistics show more than half of the world now uses social media.


Nuts & Bolts of Email Newsletters